Top 8 Highlights of the Year

Northern Pygmy-Owl 

Northern Pygmy-Owl

On November 26 we went to the cabin. The week before we had heard a Pygmy Owl! Mama and Papa were in the sauna and I was swinging Lucy in the hammock when I saw the owl! It was perched on a near perfectly horizontal branch. I slowly tried to get closer, but it just flew to a higher perch.

Interview Erick

Baby Osprey

On August 30th I interviewed Erick Greene about the Montana Osprey Project. It was my first ever interview! I was super duper excited. I also made a list of 10 to 12 questions to ask him. In the interview I learned lots of new facts about Ospreys and the Montana Osprey Project.

Art Show

The Youth Gallery with our art.

A few weeks ago on December third, Lucy and I had an art show at the Zootown Arts Community Center in the Youth Gallery! I was super excited to show off our art! There were 25 drawings hanging on the wall. Lucy and I both have artist statements, and sweatshirts! I drew for the youth gallery because I love to draw and I want to share my art with other people!

Blue Jays

My Blue Jay drawing.

At the beginning of the year we went to see my friend Tyler over by his house to go birding. We had gone to where he had seen some Blue Jays a few days before. The Blue Jays were in some very large conifers by the road so we could see them very well. I had never seen a Blue Jay before, so I was very excited!

 Great Horned-Owl + Duck

The headless duck

In May, I went to Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge with Granny, Mama, and Lucy. We took one of the many loops that starts in the Wildlife Viewing Area. We had almost finished the loop when Lucy started picking up lots of downy feathers, soon Mama and Granny started picking up the feathers too. All of a sudden a duck dropped out of the trees! The Great Horned-Owl was right above us. It instantly flew off. Once we were in the truck Mom looked up why the duck was headless. We learned that the owl will eat the head first then carry it to a better perch.

 Lee Metcalf NWR

Great-horned Owlets

Lee Metcalf NWR is a large area with ponds, rivers, forests, roadsides, and grasslands, so there is a wider diversity of animals and plants. The lakes are the best place to see ducks, geese, swans, coots and other water preferring birds. The rivers are home to eagles, ospreys, and mergansers. The forests belong to accipiters and owls. Roadsides offer food for vultures and birds of prey. And finally the grasslands welcome the cranes, grouse and pheasants. Lee Metcalf is my #1 favorite place to bird because I do not get to go there very often and there are a lot of different species there.

Kelly Island

Kelly island a medium piece of land that includes trails, the Clark Fork River, and a parking lot. It is also my 2nd favorite place to go birding because it’s an easy walk but you will see lots of different species.The parking lot shelters warblers, robins, magpies  and other songbirds. The river has its fair share of waterfowl and birds of prey. The forest supplies woodpeckers, hawks and creepers.

10 thoughts on “Top 8 Highlights of the Year

  1. Wow – great highlights! I would have to say one of the highlights of my year has been having you and Lucy bring such bird joy to the world! Thanks and well done! Erick Greene


  2. Quyana Cakneq for all the pictures, they are amazing…. If you need my bird dog (Malbec) to find more birds let me know I will bring her down….


  3. Thank you Dorothy and Lucy. I’ve learned so much about birds because of you both. Love the pictures and story. Love you lots.


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