Our Art Show in Review

Me and Lucy wearing our new sweatshirts.

Last month, Lucy and I had an art show at the Zootown Art Community Center (ZACC)! It was up all December in the youth gallery. Obviously they were drawings of birds! They were put up on December 3rd, 2021.There were 25 pieces of art. I am very happy that we made that many pieces of art. The challenging parts were creating titles, shading, finding frames, spray painting the frames, and geting the art to fit into the frames!

I had a lot of feelings about the art show, but I was mostly excited because I had never done it before. My favorite part was probably adding species accounts, signing my name or playing in the play area. My least favorite part was that it took two moths to get ready for the art show! The process was very fun and exciting, here is how we did it:

  1. Find the bird we wanted to draw.
  2. Decide if we want to do realistic or abstract.
  3. Start by drawing simple shapes with a light blue pencil to help you with details (ovals, circles, lines etc.)
  4. Connect the shapes with curves and lines.
  5.  Define details like feathers and eyes.
  6. Trace with a pen or erasable pencil!

These are some of the birds that I have drawn lately : (Gallery) Florida Scrub-jay, Blue Jay, and Northern Pygmy-owl. (Slideshow) Northern Cardinal, Red-tailed Hawk, Piping Plover, and Sanderling

Me and Lucy decided to sell the art, the prices were $30 (Took the most time), $20 (took medium time), and $10 (took least amount of time). The money went to the ZACC, ($152) the Navopatia Field Station ($190), and the Montana Osprey Project ($190).

I would definitely do it again. To make changes, I would add the common name, the latin or scientific name and the Yup’ik name in the species accounts. I would still love to use watercolors.

Thank you to all the people who supported us, gave us ideas, and came to the art show.

3 thoughts on “Our Art Show in Review

  1. Nice drawings! I used to draw birds when I was a young girl. I LOVE the drawing of Mr and Mrs Cardinal! I wish they lived in California. I did see them in Virginia once – such a wonderful treat. Keep up the good work!


  2. Wow, Dottie and Lucy, how wonderful! UB and AD are so proud of you! Do you get the Delta Discovery? The often have articles on birds, along with the Yup’ik name. Love you both!


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